Whenever you attend a parish event, tag the photos to St. Maximilian Kolbe via Facebook. This way, it will allow the science of social media to spread all the great things that are going on here, and make St. Max “go viral”.
How to view the Masses if you do not have a Facebook account
For those who wish to watch Father Pete live streaming the Mass on Facebook, but do not have a Facebook account please follow the following directions (you do NOT need to set up a Facebook account).
• Go online, and go to www.facebook.com/StMaximilianKolbeParishMarmoraNj/
• Wait for the Pop Up Box that asks you to login or create an account (ignore the login at the bottom of the screen).
• At the bottom of the Pop Up box, there should be a spot that says “Not Now” (it may be in smaller typeface). Click on “Not Now”.
• You should be able to see the Facebook page for St. Maximilian Kolbe Parish, Marmora, NJ. Scroll down to the posts. When we begin Live Streaming you will see an active video of worship. If you do not see the video, look on the left side and find "Videos", if it has a red dot or the video there hit that spot and it will take you to the video, if there is no video showing Father Pete has not started Mass.
• Turn the volume up on the sound on your device.
If you have any difficulties, please call the Parish Office , Mon-Fri from 9-5pm. 609-390-0664