In keeping up with technology, the Parish of Saint Maximilian Kolbe now offers Online Giving. This service is safe and secure. Our purpose is to provide you with an added convenience.
We extend this service so that you now have the option to manage your contributions online or with your offering envelopes. Online Giving is very easy to use and requires no special knowledge other than how to access the Internet.
To register for online giving visit
You can give to our special collections in addition to regular offerings. You can choose to do a One Time Gift or a special remembrance, or you can set up regularly scheduled contributions that are withdrawn on the date you specify in the system. Even if you typically use your offering envelopes, you may wish to contribute online to a particular collection. You can make changes at any time. You can see reports on your contribution history and generate tax statements at each year’s end. It’s easy and it’s convenient!
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact our office staff at (609) 390-0664 for assistance.