Parish Corner

Our parish along with other parishes of the Diocese have been invited on a journey know, love, and serve Christ in our parish community. Together we must embrace Christ’s vision for missionary discipleship so our parish can thrive and be a place for others to grow together in faith.

The very first step in this process involves assessing our greatest strengths and opportunities, and that is where the Disciple Maker Index (DMI) comes in! The DMI is an important survey tool that invites you to reflect on your discipleship journey here at St. Maximilian Kolbe Parish. The Disciple Maker Index is designed to:

  • Invite parishioners to reflect on their journey of discipleship.
  • Enable parish leadership to make data-driven decisions.
  • Help parishioners grow in their faith.

The 10–15-minute survey can be accessed beginning on  July 30, 2024 after 12:00am  by using this link;  The survey will ask you to reflect on your own spiritual growth and enable you to provide your perspective on our parish’s efforts to help you grow in relationship with Christ. All responses will be confidential, and the parish will only receive information about the community as a whole. The survey will close on September 3, 2024, at 11:59pm

If you do not have access to a computer, the parish office will assist you on Wednesday during the month of August to complete the online giving form on the parish office computer or a paper survey can be requested. If you wish to use one of these options, please call the office at 609-390-0664.

Together we must embrace Christ’s vision for missionary discipleship so our parish can thrive and be a place for others to grow together in faith.

Thank you for helping with this important project and please continue to pray for this intention and for the growth and protection of our parish. 





Parish Feast Day, August 14, 2024

Come join us for a celebration in honor

Saint Maximilian Kolbe!

5:00 pm to 7:00 PM

Church of the Resurrection and Immaculata Hall



Join in the fun of Saint Maximilian Kobe 50/50 Parish Raffle

There will be 5 winners who will each receive 10% of the gross sales. If you need raffle ticket(s) or would like additional ticket(s) they are available in the parish office and after Sunday Masses.

Please remember to return your check with the written portion of the ticket stub which you filled out in the envelope provided in the raffle packet that you were given. This assists us in recording the return tickets.

Please remember to send back all unsold tickets as soon as possible so we might offer them to other families.

Please return your tickets by placing them in the collection basket at Mass or drop them off to the office.



I will be attending Saint Maximilian Koble Parish Feast Day on August 14, 2024 at 5:00 pm, Immaculata Hall.

Name: ________________________________ Guests Attending: ____________

Please tear off and place into the collection basket at any Mass or bring to the Parish Office during regular business hours by August 1, 2024. Thank you.



2023-2024 Parish Corner

2023 A View from the Rectory Window

2022 A View from the Rectory Window

2021 A View from the Rectory Window

2020 A View from the Rectory Window

2019 A View from the Rectory Window